Paypal Account Setup
You must have a business PayPal standard account set-up with Instant Payment Notification turned on and a bank account linked to the PayPal account for activation. See PDF below for step by step guidance to setup your Paypal account.
Paypal IPN - Instant Payment Notification - must be enabled on your PayPal Account
Once your Paypal account has been created and verified with PayPal you will need to make sure Instant Payment Notification is turned on in your PayPal settings. When a payment is processed in Paypal it sends an IPN message to your website so that your website can record the payment occurred, run your listings, record active subscriptions and packages. If IPN is not enabled and setup correctly, your site will have no record of a payment and will not finish the processing to run a listing, etc. When IPN is setup correctly in your Paypal account it will look like the following:

except the "" will be replaced with YOUR domain name.
PayPal - Allow Your Customers to Pay with Credit Card
Paypal Account Optional - must be set to Yes in your PayPal Account if you want your customers to be able to pay with a credit card.
This allows your customer to pay with a credit or debit card without having a PayPal Account.
See PaypalAllowUseOfCreditCards.pdf for more details.
MarketGrabber Settings
Once your Paypal account is all setup, login to your back office administration area
Click on System – Settings Wizard
In the settings wizard left navigation click on Site Wide Settings – Payment Processing
Under Offsite Payment Processing on the right side, click the Change Setup link next to PayPal Standard.
The following will appear:

Paypal Email - enter the email address you use to login to your Paypal account.
Currency Code - Enter the Currency Code for your currency type - for example, a US customer would enter USD. This is assigned by Paypal and shows on this screen in your Paypal Account:
Click the Make Changes button to save these settings.
If you are using PayPal Standard only, you will want to disable the other forms of payment processing.
Under Current Integrated Settings on the left side of the page click the Disable link next to Current Status. This will disable onsite payment processing.
Under Offsite Payment Processing on the right side of the page click the Disable link next to Worldpay to turn off Worldpay payment processing.
Testing Your Paypal Setup
Go to the public facing portion of your MarketGrabber website. Make a purchase. During this process you should be taken to Paypal to make your payment. Once you've made your payment you should be redirected back to your website (or Paypal will show a link to go back to your website). In your My Account Order History Page you should see your order. If not, please double check all of your Paypal account settings, especially the IPN (Instant Payment Notification) settings in your Paypal account.