Stripe - Something Went Wrong Error Message

Scenario - your Stripe account is live.  You try to make a test purchase through your site by pressing the Make Payment key and control is passed to at which time the following error message appears instead of a Stripe Payment Form:

Something went wrong
You might be having a network connection problem, the link might be expired, or the payment provider cannot be reached at the moment.

The likely problem is that the Stripe Publishable key has not been copied properly and entered into the MarketGrabber Stripe payment settings.

Double check that the Stripe Publishable key shown in Stripe matches the value entered into the MarketGrabber Stripe payment settings and update in MarketGrabber as needed.

If the key values do not match and you see the "Something went wrong" message described above, a Chrome Network trace will show an error message indicating that the Publishable key is invalid.  Here is a sample of what that trace looks like: