Using as an SMTP Server to Send Email From Your Site
Email settings to use in MarketGrabber if you are using to send emails from your site.
Setup your SendGrid account to use SMTP relay:
Create your API key in SendGrid and copy it.:
MarketGrabber Email Settings
Login to your MarketGrabber back office. Go to Settings, Site Wide Settings, Email Server.
Enter the following values:
- SMTPServer = enter

- Email Address = enter “apikey”. This is a fixed value for all users of SendGrid. Enter exactly as shown:

- Password = Enter your SendGrid APIKey. Make sure there are no trailing spaces entered.

- Send Method = leave as ASMTP.
- SMTP Port Number = enter 587.
- SSL Enabled = select No.
Save changes.
You can test by clicking on Test Email Settings.
In the following form enter a from email and email to send to and press Submit:
Successful test looks like:
DNS Entries – Email Deliverability
Sendgrid, like all 3rd party email services, requires you to make several entries in DNS so your email will get reliably delivered to its final destination.
If you are using our hosting and our DNS servers, copy the DNS records from SendGrid and email them to us and we will enter them in our DNS servers.
If you are using your own DNS servers, you will need to enter these DNS records yourself in your DNS server.
Login to Send Grid and go here:
Follow the steps on screen and enter the CNAME records (should be 3 of them) into your DNS servers for your domain name.
Follow the steps in SendGrid to verify it can read your DNS CNAME records.
If you do not enter CNAME records for SendGrid,
email messages sent from your site may NOT get delivered.